Deus Ex Machina | A series of Photomanipulations

Illustration portfolio book for my major illustration project, a series of images based on Different gods and deities of creation and destruction from different cultures under the theme of Singularity. Roughly 80 hours worth of work.
Video Process:





Samael The Reaper

Samael The Reaper

Brahma The Creator

Brahma The Creator

Ra The Assimilator

Ra The Assimilator

Juno The Conceiver

Juno The Conceiver

Lucifer The Deciver

Lucifer The Deciver

Prometheus The Benefactor

Prometheus The Benefactor

Ganesha The Remover

Ganesha The Remover

Shiva The Destroyer

Shiva The Destroyer

Cronos The Consumer

Cronos The Consumer

Coatlicue The Regenerator

Coatlicue The Regenerator